Top of the class researchers from the University of Northampton need volunteers to evaluate its impact

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Researchers from University of Northampton and University of Greenwich are looking for educators and academics to evaluate a project that helps children make friends.

Academics are looking for education professionals to ensure resources that help children make friends remain first-class.

Our Class is a series of educational resources to help teach primary school children (7-11 years) about friendships and peer relationships, co-developed by University of Northampton’s Dr Rachel Maunder, Associate Professor in Psychology.

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Our Class features a series of stories that introduce a character facing a difficult situation with their peers, with associated discussion questions and a lesson plan that can be used as part of Personal Social and Health and Economic (PSHE) classes to help children explore the complexities of friendship.

Our Class is a series of educational resources to help teach primary school children (7-11 years) about friendship.Our Class is a series of educational resources to help teach primary school children (7-11 years) about friendship.
Our Class is a series of educational resources to help teach primary school children (7-11 years) about friendship.

Narrated videos are also available to support the lesson plan and activities.

The materials are designed to meet the Caring Friendships unit of the statutory Relationships Education framework and have been quality assured by the PSHE Association as best practice in safe and effective PSHE Education.

Now, Our Class will be evaluated to judge the impact of the resources and keep the materials updated and relevant. The team needs interested volunteer academics and educators to sign up.

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Dr Maunder co-created Our Class with Professor Claire Monks from University of Greenwich. She says: “Our Class resources have been downloaded by over 2,000 educators, including class teachers, PSHE leads, senior leaders, and other educational professionals, across England and beyond, exceeding our expectations.

“Feedback from schools who have used Our Class tell us how useful they find the resources, how their students enjoy it and find the stories relatable, and the stimulating discussions generated.

“We are pleased to continue offering these resources free to educators, but it is important to get further feedback on how effective these materials are.

“To this end, we are looking for educators and schools to help us evaluate Our Class, irrespective of whether they have used the materials yet. Please get in touch* with me to find out more.”

*Please email [email protected].