Corby woman crashed car then drove off at more than three times legal drink drive limit

Northampton Magistrates' Court. File image.Northampton Magistrates' Court. File image.
Northampton Magistrates' Court. File image.
A drink driver who hit another vehicle before fleeing the scene has been banned from driving for nearly two years

Emma Cairney, from Thurso Walk, Corby, was driving a blue Vauxhall Corsa in Rockingham Road on April 20 when she collided with another vehicle.

There was damage caused to the offside bumper of the car, but the 32-year-old left the scene.

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Police later picked up Cairney driving along the A43 in Kettering. When breathalysed, she was found to have 113mg of alcohol in 100ml of breath. The legal limit is 35mg.

Cairney appeared at Northampton Maigstrates’ Court on May 16 where she admitted drink driving and failing to stop at the scene of an accident.

She was given an alcohol treatment order to last four months and told to complete 20 rehabilitation requirement days.

Cairney was banned from driving for 28 months, reduced by 28 weeks if she completes a drink driving course.

She was also fined £369 and ordered to pay costs of £114.